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Rambam for Friday, 14 Adar I, 5784 - February 23, 2024

Rambam - Sefer HaMitzvos
As Divided for The Daily Learning Schedule

Positive Mitzvah 246

13 Adar I, 5784 - February 22, 202415 Adar I, 5784 - February 24, 2024

This is not an error of duplication. The full-fledged version of this Mitzvah are many and change for those who are learning the one/three chapter a day. The Message for the day from "Bringing Heaven Down to Earth" at the end of this Mitzvah is different than that of yesterday.
Positive Mitzvah 246: Laws of Claims
Exodus 22:8 "In every case of which one can say: This is it"'

Ari and Izzy were playing ball on the lawn.

Suddenly, Ari felt his glove beginning to slip of his hand.

He shouted to Izzy to wait a second, but Izzy threw the ball anyway. It landed in the street sewer because Ari wasn't ready to catch it.

"Hey! I asked you to wait!" Ari yelled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," Izzy answered.

"Yes you did. I could tell! Now you've got to buy me a new ball!" Ari demanded.

"No I don't" Izzy protested.

In cases like these, where an argument arises and people disagree about who bears responsibility for a loss or damage, the Torah teaches us how to come to a fair decision.

From a letter:

You write to me you are concerned that you don't believe. If you don't believe, then why does not believing concern you?

From another letter:

I do not accept your assertion that you do not believe. For if you truly had no concept of a Supernal Being Who created the world with purpose, then what is all this outrage of yours against the injustice of life? The substance of the universe is not moral, and neither are the plants and animals. Why should it surprise you that whoever is bigger and more powerful swallows his fellow alive? It is only due to an inner conviction in our hearts, shared by every human being, that there is a Judge, that there is right and there is wrong. And so, when we see a wrong, we demand an explanation: Why is this not the way it is supposed to be? That itself is belief in G-d.

From: Bringing Heaven Down to Earth by Tzvi Freeman -

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