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Rambam for Thursday, 29 Shevat, 5784 - February 8, 2024

Rambam - Sefer HaMitzvos
As Divided for The Daily Learning Schedule

Negative Mitzvah 219;
Positive Mitzvah 244

28 Shevat, 5784 - February 7, 202430 Shevat, 5784 - February 9, 2024

Negative Mitzvah 219: It is forbidden to prevent an animal from eating the produce while it is working
Deuteronomy 25:4 "You shall not muzzle the ox when it is treading the corn"

Goldie was helping her mother make chocolate rum balls. She loved shaping the gooey mixture and rolling it in flaky coconut.

After she set each ball in a paper candy-cup, she scooped up some more of the sweet chocolate mix.

When one tray was filled, Goldie hesitantly asked her mother, "Couldn't I have just a tiny bit?"

"Goldie, remember what we agreed? No tasting! You just went to the dentist yesterday and you have too many cavities already!

We decided that you can have a certain amount of candy a week and you have already had your share this week. These rum balls are for the company that is coming tomorrow, but I'll freeze some for you so you can eat them next week."

"I know, Mommy," Goldie sighed. "You're right. But it's so hard to make these balls and not taste any. They look delicious!"

"Oh, Goldie!" laughed her mother, "you can have one. You just reminded me of one of the Mitzvot in the Torah.

A person is not allowed to place a muzzle on an ox while it is working for its master treading grain!

The ox builds up an appetite for the grain while he is busy with it.

The Torah teaches that it would be unfair to prevent him from having some."

This Negative Mitzvah prohibits us from muzzling any animal while it is working in the fields in order to prevent it from eating some of the produce.

Positive Mitzvah 244: A Borrower
Exodus 22:13 "And if a man borrows something from his neighbor..."

It is kind and considerate to lend something to your friend or anybody else who requests it. However, the borrower must accept the responsibility to return the article in the same condition as it was when he received it.

This Positive Mitzvah deals with the case of a borrowed article and details the laws that apply if harm befalls it.

In a simple commentary written for a five year old, great secrets of the Torah can be found. But only once you understand the simple commentary as the five year old does.

From: Bringing Heaven Down to Earth by Tzvi Freeman -

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