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Rambam - Sefer HaMitzvos As Divided for The Daily Learning Schedule Positive Mitzvah 59
This is not an error of duplication. The full-fledged version of this Mitzvah are many and change for those who are learning the one/three chapter a day. The Message for the day from "Bringing Heaven Down to Earth" at the end of this Mitzvah is different than that of yesterday.Positive Mitzvah 59: Blowing the trumpets in the Sanctuary
Numbers 10:10 "Also on the day of your gladness... you shall blow with your trumpets"It was Lag Ba'Omer and Benny was at the grand "Torah and Mitzvot" parade. The band was playing and the floats were passing by. It was exciting and fun watching the parade march by.
Suddenly, a bugle horn sounded and the blast caused a stir in the crowd.
The tone was loud and clear and many bystanders leaned forward trying to catch a glimpse of the horn player.
The sound of a horn blowing calls for attention!
In the Beit HaMikdash while certain sacrifices are offered, we are commanded to sound trumpets.
The sound arouses a stir in the hearts of all the people who were present in the Beit HaMikdash.
Each one will concentrate and resolve to strengthen his bond of closeness with HaShem.
Similarly, we are commanded to blow the shofar in times of need and despair, calling for HaShem's attention and requesting His help.
The common conception of how the system works is faulty. They see a career as making a living. A career doesn't make anything. What you receive is generated above, in a spiritual realm. Your business is to set up a channel to allow all that to flow into the material world.
From: Bringing Heaven Down to Earth by Tzvi Freeman -
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